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Watch now! retirement peech, Zlatan Ibrahimovic was met with boos from Verona fans. Unfazed, the Swede delivered a brutal reply.


"Zlatan Ibrahimovic "bids farewe to football at 41, leaving fans and himself motional during AC Milan's final Serie match against Hellas Verona at the an Siro

*Also Read | Zlatan Ibrahimovic: Top five goals of retiring Swedish superstar While giving his retirement speech at the San Siro, Ibrahimovic was booed by the away fans, but came up with a witty and brutal reply. The reply received a huge applause from the home side's fans. "Kee booing. This is the biggest moment in yo year seeing me", he quipped, much to th joy of Milan fans." Wirte short note

*AC Milan secured a 3-1 victory againt Verona in their final Serie A match with goals from Giroud, Leao, and Far ni Milan finished fourth in the leag with points from 38 matches. Durin nis retirement speech, Ibrahimo responded to Verona fans' boos with ay remark,earning applause from Milan supporters

Zlatan Ibrahimovic holds numerous:-

records throughout his illustrious career. While I cannot provide an exhaustive list, here are some notable records held by Ibrahimovic:

1. Oldest player to score 50 goals in a single Serie A season (2019-2020).

2. Only player to score in the UEFA Champions League with six different clubs.

3. Most goals scored for the Swedish national team (63 goals).

4. Most goals in a single season for Paris Saint-Germain (50 goals in the 2015- 2016 season).

5. Most goals scored for a single club in a calendar year (56 goals for Paris Saint- Germain in 2012).

6. Most goals in a single UEFA Europear Championship qualification campaign( 11goals in 2016)

7. Most goals scored for AC Milan in a debut season (28 goals in the 2010- 2011 season).

8. Oldest outfield player to represen che Swedish national team (captain the team at the age of 39).

9. Most Puskas Award nominati is (four nominations for the FIFA Pu as A vard for best goal).

10. Most goals in a single gare for Sweden (four goals against England in 2012).

These are just a few of the remarkable records held by Zlatan Ibrahimovic, showcasing his incredible talent and impact in the world of football.

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